Meet professional international footballer Lucy Bronze, MBE
Hi, I’m Lucy Bronze, MBE, winner of the Euros and 5 Champions League titles.
I’ve struggled with the hassles of playing football and living my life with glasses from a young age, and from my teenage years with the hassles of contact lenses. I have now achieved visual freedom with the EVO ICL.
Hi, I’m Lucy Bronze, MBE, winner of the Euros and 5 Champions League titles.
I’ve struggled with the hassles of playing football and living my life with glasses from a young age, and from my teenage years with the hassles of contact lenses. I have now achieved visual freedom with the EVO ICL.
What led me to EVO ICL
I’ve won the Euros and 5 champions leagues, but I always had that worry on the pitch that my contact lenses might fall out, and mid game, it actually happened.
Not to mention the tired, dry eyes, uncomfortable lens fits and daily hassles.
I realised I needed to tackle my vision.
I have often dreamed of getting my vision corrected so I no longer had to bother with glasses or contact lenses. Until I heard about EVO ICL I was not convinced I should take the plunge, as a professional footballer my vision is everything.
I looked at the options to correct my vision long term, and EVO ICL really stood out. The other procedures just didn’t look as good to me.
EVO is designed to be a permanent vision correction solution, so no daily maintenance or periodical replacement is required. One thing that appealed to me is that it’s a reversible lens implant, so if ever necessary, the lenses can be removed by my consultant.
Having that flexibility for the future provided me with the peace of mind I needed to make the decision. EVO is additive; it doesn’t remove any corneal tissue with lasers, so it’s in complete harmony with my natural eye – my eye is still the same, my eye.
Life Changing
Professional Footballer
Off the Pitch
I first discovered that I needed glasses when I was about 9 years old. I was often losing or breaking my glasses while playing football. When I became a teenager, I began wearing contact lenses for when I was playing sport. I had quite a few problems with contact lenses, including tired and dry eyes, as well as uncomfortable lens fits. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could finally take them out and rest my eyes.
My eyesight is everything to me, so I needed to feel the benefit was greater than any potential risk.
I wasn’t nervous about the EVO procedure, I was just excited, it was something that I’d wanted for so so long. The procedure was even better than I expected; it was pain free and super quick for me - it’s simple.
My recovery was unbelievable, I was back playing sports, training and playing football within 2-3 weeks.
Lucy Bronze has EVO ICL lenses and is sponsored by STAAR Surgical.
Questions With Lucy
What do you do for a living?
I am a professional footballer, playing league, European and international games.
How long have you had problems with your vision?
I first discovered that I needed glasses when I was about 9 years old. I was often losing or breaking my glasses while playing football. When I became a teenager I began wearing contact lenses for when I was playing sport, which also had their challenges and hassles.
What’s your biggest pain point about wearing contacts?
I had quite a few problems with contact lenses, as any contact lens wearer will tell you, after a few hours of wear you start to feel irritated with dry eyes, you’re rubbing your eyes, and waiting to get home so you can finally take your lenses out and put your glasses on for a moment. It’s like when you take your shoes off at home and get to put your feet up. That was that feeling of, “I get to take my lenses out finally”. Not to mention the worry that a lens might fall out during a game, which actually happened during a league game.
What about EVO ICL helped make your decision?
Aside from the sharp, clear vision you can get - EVO is designed to be a permanent vision correction solution, so no daily maintenance or periodical replacement is required. One thing that appealed to me is that it’s a reversable lens implant, so if ever necessary, the lenses can be removed by my consultant. Having that flexibility for the future provided me with the peace of mind I needed to make the decision. EVO is additive; it doesn’t remove any corneal tissue with lasers, so it’s in complete harmony with my natural eye – my eye is still the same, my eye.
이보 ICL로 시력의 자유를 되찾을 준비가 되셨나요? 지금 내 주변에 상담 가능한 안과를 찾아보세요.
주요 안전성 정보
ICL은 성인을 대상으로 -0.5D에서 -18.0D 범위의 근시와 6.0D까지의 난시 교정에 대해 승인되었습니다. 21세에서 60세 사이의 성인이 ICL 수술 대상이 됩니다. 안내렌즈삽입술의 성공적인 결과를 위해서는 지난 1년간 시력에 변화가 없어야 합니다. ICL 수술은 안경 및 콘택트렌즈 사용이 필요하지 않도록 시력을 교정합니다. 눈의 노화로 인해 자연적으로 필요한 돋보기 안경은 ICL 안내렌즈삽입술을 받은 후에도 필요할 수 있습니다. ICL은 라식(LASIK), 굴절교정레이저각막절제술(PRK) 및 절개 수술을 포함한 다른 굴절 교정수술법들과 콘택트렌즈 및 안경 등의 시력 교정 방법에 대한 대안이 될 수 있습니다. ICL 안내렌즈삽입술은 외과적 수술이므로 심각한 부작용을 유발할 수도 있습니다. 일반적인 굴절 교정 수술과 관련하여 보고된 발생 가능한 부작용 및 합병증에는 추가적 수술, 백내장 발생, 최대교정시력 손실, 안압 증가, 각막내피세포 손실, 결막 자극, 급성 각막 부종, 지속적 각막 부종, 안내염, 빛번짐, 눈부심, 전방출혈(안구 내 출혈), 전방 축농(안구 내 고름), 염증, 렌즈 탈구, 황반 부종, 동공 무반응, 동공차단 녹내장, 심각한 안내 염증, 홍채염, 포도막염, 유리체 손실 및 각막 이식 등이 있습니다. ICL 수술을 고려하기 전, 정밀 눈 검사를 받은 후 안과 전문의에게 ICL 수술의 장점, 위험요소 및 부작용에 대해 상담 하십시오. 수술 후 회복을 위한 시간에 대해서도 상담하십시오.
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Home - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-030 (유효기간: 2025.02.07)
1. Gonzalo Carracedo, et al. The role of dinucleoside polyphosphates on the ocular surface and other eye structures. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2016 Nov;55:182-205. 2. Paul J Dougherty, et al. Refractive outcomes and safety of the implantable collamer lens in young low-to-moderate myopes. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017;11:273–277. 3. Gregory D. Parkhurst, et al. Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in United States Military Warfighters: A Retrospective Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes of the EVO ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7);473-481. 4. Feingold et al. Biocompatible, optically transparent, ultraviolet light absorbing, polymeric material based upon collagen and method of making. USPTO June 8, 1999. 5. ICL in Treatment of Myopia (ITM) Study Group. Postoperative Inflammation after Implantation of the Implantable Contact Lens. Ophthalmology 2003;110:2335-2341. 6. Steven Schallhorn, MD et al. Night Driving Simulation in a Randomized Prospective Comparison of Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lenses and Conventional PRK for Moderate to High Myopic Astigmatism. Journal of Refractive Surgery Vol.26, No. 5, 2010:321-326 7. Gregory D Parkhurst. A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia. Clinical Ophthalmology 2016;10:1209-1215. 8. Donald R Sanders et al. United States Food and Drug Administration Clinical Trial of the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) for Moderate to High Myopia Three-Year Follow-up. Ophthalmology. 2004;111:1683–1692. 9. Elena Martines-plaze, et al. Effect of the EVO + Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021;226:117-125. 10. Data on file. STAAR Surgical Annual Report.
이보 ICL이란? - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-031 (유효기간: 2025.02.07)
1. Feingold et al. Biocompatible, optically transparent, ultraviolet light absorbing, polymeric material based upon collagen and method of making. USPTO June 8, 1999. 2. ICL in Treatment of Myopia (ITM) Study Group. Postoperative Inflammation after Implantation of the Implantable Contact Lens. Ophthalmology 2003;110:2335-2341. 3. Risto J. Uusitalo, et al. Implantable contact lens for high myopia. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002(28):29-36. 4. Gregory D. Parkhurst, et al. Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in United States Military Warfighters: A Retrospective Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes of the EVO ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7);473-481. 5. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24) 6. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851. 7. Steven Schallhorn, MD et al. Night Driving Simulation in a Randomized Prospective Comparison of Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lenses and Conventional PRK for Moderate to High Myopic Astigmatism. Journal of Refractive Surgery Vol.26, No. 5, 2010:321-326. 8. Gregory D Parkhurst. A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia. Clinical Ophthalmology 2016;10:1209-1215. 9. Donald R Sanders et al. United States Food and Drug Administration Clinical Trial of the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) for Moderate to High Myopia Three-Year Follow-up. Ophthalmology. 2004;111:1683–1692.
이보 ICL의 장점(야간시력 개선) - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-032 (유효기간: 2025.02.07)
1. Steven Schallhorn, MD et al. Night Driving Simulation in a Randomized Prospective Comparison of Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lenses and Conventional PRK for Moderate to High Myopic Astigmatism. Journal of Refractive Surgery Vol.26, No. 5, 2010:321-326. 2. Gregory D Parkhurst. A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia. Clinical Ophthalmology 2016;10:1209-1215. 3. Donald R Sanders et al. United States Food and Drug Administration Clinical Trial of the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) for Moderate to High Myopia Three-Year Follow-up. Ophthalmology. 2004;111:1683–1692. 4. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24) 5. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851.
이보 ICL의 장점(안구건조증이 걱정되세요?) - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-033 (유효기간: 2025.02.08)
1. Gregory D. Parkhurst, et al. Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in United States Military Warfighters: A Retrospective Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes of the EVO ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7);473-481. 2. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24). 3. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851.
이보 ICL의 장점(마치 내 눈 같은 편안함) - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-029 (유효기간: 2025.02.03)
1. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24). 2. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851.
수술 과정 - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-034 (유효기간: 2025.02.03)
1. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24) 2. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851. 3. Elena Martines-plaze, et al. Effect of the EVO + Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021;226:117-125. 4. Data on file. STAAR Surgical Annual Report.
자주 묻는 질문 - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-035 (유효기간: 2025.02.03)
1. Feingold et al. Biocompatible, optically transparent, ultraviolet light absorbing, polymeric material based upon collagen and method of making. USPTO June 8, 1999. 2. ICL in Treatment of Myopia (ITM) Study Group. Postoperative Inflammation after Implantation of the Implantable Contact Lens. Ophthalmology 2003;110:2335-2341. 3. Risto J. Uusitalo, et al. Implantable contact lens for high myopia. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002(28):29-36. 4. Elena Martines-plaze, et al. Effect of the EVO + Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021;226:117-125.
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